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NSA’s core goal is providing your Las Vegas organization with top-level technology services — no matter when you need them. From total management of your cybersecurity to cloud technologies and compliance control, our services meet your needs…

Holiday cybersecurity tips to keep your staff safe

Holiday cybersecurity tips to keep your staff safe

Experts estimate as much as 70% of security incidents and breaches are employee related. Paired with the seasonal spike in e-commerce shopping for the holidays, as well as staff away for vacation, could spell disaster. As most people are distracted by the holidays, hackers take advantage of this, increasing their attacks.

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Cybercrime To Soar in the Next Five Years

Cybercrime To Soar in the Next Five Years

According to new estimates from Statista's Cybersecurity Outlook, the worldwide cost of cybercrime is expected to soar in the next five years. Statista estimates cybercrime's fiscal damage to rise from $8.44 trillion in 2022 to $23.84 trillion by 2027, nearly tripling in only five years.

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15,000+ WordPress Sites Compromised in Hostile SEO Scheme

15,000+ WordPress Sites Compromised in Hostile SEO Scheme

Cybercriminals have successfully launched a malicious black hat search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, redirecting website visitors to fake Q&A portals. This hostile SEO scheme can be "described as malware designed to hijack a website in order to abuse its resources (especially website traffic and rankings)". Hackers managed to compromise over 15,000 WordPress websites to redirect to these fraudulent Q&A websites. The attack aims to promote low-quality websites, preparing these pages for future use as malware droppers or phishing sites.

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Scam of the Week: Android Apps Redirect Users to Malicious Sites

Scam of the Week: Android Apps Redirect Users to Malicious Sites

Recently uncovered by cybersecurity researchers, a set of four Android apps have been found to link users to malicious sites. These malicious sites either install adware or attempt to steal information from the user, in what has found to be a massive cybercrime campaign. The apps were all created by

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Scam of the Week: PayPal Crypto Invoice Scam

Scam of the Week: PayPal Crypto Invoice Scam

Fraudsters on the Internet have found a new method for stealing cash from ordinary people. Disguising their fraudulent activity as legitimate invoices, scammers pose as PayPal sellers requesting invoices for different cryptocurrencies.

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Researchers uncover phishing-as-a-service platform Caffeine

Researchers uncover phishing-as-a-service platform Caffeine

Paid subscriptions are required to access the vast amount of features the cybercriminal Caffeine platform boasts. These features include customized phishing kits, campaign success tracking tools, management of redirect pages, tools to configure attacks, and generation of dynamic URLs that host payloads. Researchers also discovered templates earmarked for use against Russian or Chinese targets.

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