Does Your Las Vegas IT Company Outsource Your Support To The Philippines?

Contact Network Security Associates today to discuss ways to save with a U.S. IT managed service provider. With a steady monthly fee, you gain access to seasoned professionals that understand the importance of maintaining the highest cybersecurity standards.  

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Tech Insights

Choose a Las Vegas Firm that Uses U.S. Resources and Maintains High Security

Contact Network Security Associates today to discuss ways to save with a U.S. IT managed service provider. With a steady monthly fee, you gain access to seasoned professionals that understand the importance of maintaining the highest cybersecurity standards.

Network Security Associates contracts with resources in the U.S. and maintains the highest security protocols. Other IT managed service providers in Las Vegas outsource their work offshore, where security risks may increase. Find out more about the risks of outsourcing IT services offshore. Additionally, learn more about our services and how we keep your important data secure.

What Are the Cybersecurity Risks of Offshore IT Outsourcing?

“IT organizations evaluating any kind of outsourcing question whether vendors have sufficiently robust security practices and if vendors can meet the security requirements they have internally…The risk of security breaks or intellectual property protection is inherently raised when working in international business. Privacy concerns must be completely addressed. Although these issues rarely pose major impediments to outsourcing, the requirements must be documented and the methods and integration with vendors defined,” according to CSO Online.

CIOs and CSOs should consider three major types of risk when working with an offshore vendor.

Importance of Work to Innovation or Revenue

When it comes to data, the risk is measured in regulatory obligations, such as Sarbanes-Oxley or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Another factor concerns the potential financial loss of stolen or compromised data. Here’s an example. If your company wants to develop a software product that you’re betting the company on, it may make sense to hire a local IT service provider, such as Network Security Associates, to do the work.

Offshoring the support of legacy systems that aren’t critical to operations may be a safer bet. However, if you’re keeping a legacy system online, even on life support, it probably plays an important role in at least one business unit.

Captive Offshore Model

Major corporations such as Citibank and GE built captive subsidiaries in India in the 1990s. Immature local providers could not meet the security and infrastructure needs of these companies. This solution may provide the required business and technical support to justify the original expenditure for long-term savings. However, it’s beyond the capability of small and midsize companies looking to save immediately on labor costs without significant initial expense.

Vendor Failure to Deliver

Vendor failure to deliver is another issue for companies that have outsourced to the Philippines and other offshore sites. Contracts signed with the best intentions have fallen apart due to the inability of offshore vendors to deliver on their commitments. Also, the instability of setting up a new operation can increase the cybersecurity risks of offshore IT outsourcing.

Consider this high-risk exposure before you outsource your IT projects to the Philippines, India or other IT offshore hotspots.

How Can Network Security Associates Provide an Onshore Outsourcing Alternative?

As a comprehensive IT managed service provider and local vendor, Network Security Associates provides the following services as well as comprehension software and hardware implementation, maintenance and support:

Contact Network Security Associates today to discuss ways to save with a U.S. IT managed service provider. With a steady monthly fee, you gain access to seasoned professionals that understand the importance of maintaining the highest cybersecurity standards.