Improve Your Network Security with Strong Firewalls

Hacks and network breaches have become commonplace, with corporations around the world constantly feeling the threat of external entities attempting to steal information. As a result, you need to implement the highest level of network security. One of the oldest, most essential elements of your network security is a firewall.

by | Aug 29, 2019 | Security, Tech Insights

Hacks and network breaches have become commonplace, with corporations around the world constantly feeling the threat of external entities attempting to steal information. As a result, you need to implement the highest level of network security. One of the oldest, most essential elements of your network security is a firewall.

How Firewalls Strengthen Network Security

Maintain Your Network Security with NSA

Software and Hardware Firewalls
There are two forms of firewalls your business may want to implement:

The first is a software-based firewall. This is part of a computer’s operating system and functions much like anti-virus software. It establishes a barrier around the computer that blocks external applications attempting to gain access to the computer. Essentially, it is a software gatekeeper to a computer. 

A hardware firewall is another type, but this kind of firewall runs between the internet and your network. As a business, you’ll want a business-grade firewall. Because you have such a large quantity of data and numerous work stations and computers, you’ll want a hardware firewall configured and setup. This is designed to prevent malware, viruses and other undesirable files from moving into your network. Once inside the network, these files can wreak havoc on the entire system and move not only between stations but within the data server itself. 

Multiple Defensive Positions
The hardware firewall will be installed to function as one of the primary points of defense. The business-grade firewall will oversee the flow of information into the network and protect individual computers from possible threats. When combined with the software firewall, which works separately on each computer system, the network and individual stations are protected with the multiple layers of protection. This way, if a computer has downloaded data and has it stored offline, this information is not at risk of being stolen. While not the only line of defense, firewalls provide important security measures for your entire business network. 

Schedule a Security Assessment

In addition to firewalls, a network security assessment can aid your existing security measures. Your systems will be analyzed to determine if there are any areas where security needs to be increased. This is an important proactive step to ensure all areas of your network are secure and protected. At Network Security Associates, we’ll not only perform a network security assessment, but we also provide managed IT services to monitor and maintain the safety of your data. Contact us at 702-547-9800 to learn more about our services today.