Are Your Vendors Confusing You With Tech Jargon?

It’s not uncommon for IT vendors to overwhelm new clients with technical speak. It’s an easy way to confuse someone who doesn’t know a lot about IT, and gets them to pay for additional services and features they don’t really need.

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Tech Insights

Are Your Vendors Confusing You With Tech Jargon?

It’s not uncommon for IT vendors to overwhelm new clients with technical speak. It’s an easy way to confuse someone who doesn’t know a lot about IT, and gets them to pay for additional services and features they don’t really need.

This begs the question: are you sure you’re not overpaying for your Internet connection or other tech vendor services?

We can help you cut through the jargon and figure out what your IT budget should actually look like.

Tech Jargon

We Use Language You Can Understand

You may have heard that industry-leading, award-winning, unbeatable IT services come down to one specific thing.

Maybe it’s offering the latest, greatest, fanciest, tech gimmicks (which also tend to be the most expensive). Maybe it’s the lowest possible monthly price (coming, of course, with a long list of addendums, conditions, nickel-and-dime fees, etc.)

But what really matters in IT? People, of course.

While this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised how many IT vendors take advantage of clients’ lack of tech knowledge and get them to pay more than they need to. This is where we can help…

How Does The Network Security Associates Team Build An Ideal Client Experience?

Communication is a core factor in how well our team can serve our clients. In addition to making sure we use understandable language when explaining our support process, we also work hard to understand our clients’ needs and expectations.

  • We Understand What They Need: It sounds simple, right? Knowing what the client actually wants out of their IT should be the first step to delivering those services, but often, the opposite is true. It can be easy to think that whatever services are offered are everything that a client could need. But the truth is that often a given client is really interested in one specific service or solution — an answer to their problem that got them looking for a new IT support provider in the first place. It seems obvious, but it’s crucially important to good service: once you know what’s needed, you can ensure it’s provided.
  • We Understand How They Communicate:  We’re very careful about the technical jargon that technicians and engineers are prone to use when talking shop. While it’s acceptable around coworkers, that kind of high-level, incomprehensible language won’t be very helpful to the client during a support call. Also, we make sure not to forget to take into account the medium in which our clients prefer to get in touch. More and more these days, when someone has to get in touch, they do so via text or email instead of over the phone.
  • Understand Their Goals: Lastly, for long-term success in service, we need to know where the client is headed – or, at least, where they’re trying to get to. After all, no business can get stagnant. It’s vital that they continue to grow and improve, and their IT environment is a big part of that. In our preliminary discussions with the client, we want to be sure to find out what their plans are for the next year, five years, and so on, and what role their technology could play in that plan.
  • Bottom line: the client experience is the single measurement for the quality of any given solution or service, and that includes IT services.

Network Security Associates Delivers IT Support You Can Understand

Tired of dealing with vendors that only talk in tech jargon? Want to find out if you’re really paying what you should?

Then stop putting up with difficult vendors—contact the Network Security Associates team and arrange a free consultation at a time that works for you. We’ll assess your IT, determine where you may be overpaying, and communicate with you each step of the way.