Lead Generation Through Business-To-Business Network Events In Las Vegas

How do business professionals in Las Vegas participate in business to business network events in 2020? Here are some suggestions.

by | Jul 13, 2020 | Tech Insights

Network Events In Las Vegas

The business world has changed. Whereas once, not too long ago, the cornerstone of all business dealings was the corner office, now more and more business takes place online, and this means that when you are looking to grow your business, digitizing your business is essential. Networking in the digital age has many of the same features as networking in a traditional sense, but there are other considerations that need to be made when making this shift. Here are some tips that you need to consider when starting to network for your business.

Business to Business Network Events In Las Vegas

The Future of Business Networking

Whether you are trying to engage in business networking in Las Vegas, or are looking to step past your local options and seek partnerships in the surrounding Nevada or Midwest regions, there are a few basic principles that you need to keep in mind about the future of business networking.

Networking in the digital age looks a bit different than networking in the traditional sense. For one thing, the digital age requires a lot less ‘working the room’ and a lot more efficient navigation of the web. Whereas once the single most important factor to making meaningful connections for your business was the proximity to other businesses, now that need is almost entirely diminished. This is almost entirely as a result of the services that a strong IT team can provide for your business, and the total transformation that digitizing your business model can provide for you, your employees, and your customer base.

When it comes down to it, all networking is about connectivity. Building a strong network of peers who can play roles to support you and your business as you grow is absolutely imperative. However, with such increasing reliability on digital services your business network needs to take on an entirely new meaning. Your ability to network is as much dependent on how strong your digital network is as it does on who you know. Working with a strong IT support team can help ensure that your business network is ready to help you make meaningful connections and lasting partnerships while working to keep your employees connected and your business online and efficient.

Here are a few strategies to keep in mind as you consider expanding your network in the digital world:

  1. Take advantage of social media without investing too much into those programs. Social media is a great way to track who you know and where they are now. If your company isn’t already utilizing social media as part of its SEO campaign then now is definitely the time to start, but beyond that, social media can provide a great resource for individuals within the business world, as well. Resources like LinkedIn are especially helpful for maintaining business communications across digital means.
  2. Make contacts in the real world and then follow up with digital contact, as well. You don’t need to rely on people that you meet online. As you expand your business network in Las Vegas, make a point of connecting with the people you meet in person online. Exchange digital contact information so that you can easily find each other and maintain that connection.
  3. Take advantage of business networking events in Las Vegas. Modern times are incredibly focused on the digital connection, but there are opportunities to break away from the screen and engage in old fashioned networking. The irony is that the best way to find these in-person networking events is to head online and connect with groups of professionals in your field through the same digital connections that you are encouraged to develop with them following these networking events: Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and other social media resources.
  4. Make yourself a visible brand and do your best to make yourself easy to find. If you want to connect with people, make it as simple as possible for them to find you. Create a website that promotes your brand and invest time and energy into blogging and sharing resources with high-quality information so that you can position yourself as an expert in your field and make yourself highly visible to potential contacts in the process.

Business networking is just as important as it ever was. Now is the time to use the digital infrastructure at your fingertips to enhance your networking practices, not let them go. Businesses throughout all industries rely on strong connections to thrive, and in the digital age making these connections across the globe is just as important as making these connections within your local area. Having a strong set of business connections can help you to find the support you need when it is time for your business to grow, and can even help you to navigate the best course of action when your company is headed for big changes—like digital transformation. The real world and the digital world are becoming more and more integrated, and business networking is just one piece of evidence for that transition.

For more information on how to become comfortable with the digital transformation of all aspects of your business, contact us.